Tuesday nights is Mum's night to volunteer at a small charity shop in Mahon. She started doing it to improve her Spanish, and it has done that and made her lots of nice friends.
I decided that I should really have a blog entry of Mahon in the daylight. So, a couple of hours before Mum finished her shift and I had to catch my plane, Dad and I took a walk around the city taking pictures. I had already packed my 'big' camera, so was using my small waterproof camera.
A few viewing points out to the harbour, a visit to the church to look at the fresco's and a meander through the cobbled streets proved bountiful for pictures!
A quick coffee and it was time to collect mum en route to the airport.
Flight delayed by and hour, and I only got home at 2.30am! But a jolly lovely holiday I have had!
Love Iona x
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