We knew that there was the threat of rain today, so we decided to have a quiet day at home. The Grand Prix was on, so we settled down, preparing veg and meat for tomorrow's BBQ, and reading in front of the fire, as the wind got up outside and the rain started to lash down!
However, after a siesta - well it is hard work doing nothing - the sun was shining and the sky was blue - well blue with a few white bits!
We decided to go for a walk along the front towards Punta Prima, where it is renowned for having exciting waves in the wind. Once we had set out from home though, we soon realised that the wind had not only blown away the rain, but blown itself out too!
Oh well, not the thrashing wave pictures I had anticipated, and the walk soon turned into a botanical walk, spotting flowers, including lots of Orchids which are coming out now too. Kept Mother happy! She's been on crutches recently, after falling down a hole in the drive, and we had to not get sidetracked and go off on too long a jaunt as her ankle was starting to hurt.
There is a beautiful casita on the edge of the sea here, that gets used as a holiday home by a family on Menorquin's in July and August, so we had a little look and peered into the little cove. There seemed to be a seat naturally carved into the rocks that you'd be able to dangle your feet into the water from. Mum decided that this is a mermaid seat, so they could keep their tails wet!
Up the hill and back along the top, we came to the top of the road. I offloaded my camera and jogged the last little bit home! Obviously on the understanding that I put the kettle on when I got in!
I have new trainers which I am wearing in, but as you'll see from the pictures here, they are rubbing a bit and Compeed plasters are coming into their own!!
Hope you have all had a glorious Easter whatever you are up to,
Love Iona x
We knew that there was the threat of rain today, so we decided to have a quiet day at home. The Grand Prix was on, so we settled down, preparing veg and meat for tomorrow's BBQ, and reading in front of the fire, as the wind got up outside and the rain started to lash down!
However, after a siesta - well it is hard work doing nothing - the sun was shining and the sky was blue - well blue with a few white bits!
We decided to go for a walk along the front towards Punta Prima, where it is renowned for having exciting waves in the wind. Once we had set out from home though, we soon realised that the wind had not only blown away the rain, but blown itself out too!
Oh well, not the thrashing wave pictures I had anticipated, and the walk soon turned into a botanical walk, spotting flowers, including lots of Orchids which are coming out now too. Kept Mother happy! She's been on crutches recently, after falling down a hole in the drive, and we had to not get sidetracked and go off on too long a jaunt as her ankle was starting to hurt.
There is a beautiful casita on the edge of the sea here, that gets used as a holiday home by a family on Menorquin's in July and August, so we had a little look and peered into the little cove. There seemed to be a seat naturally carved into the rocks that you'd be able to dangle your feet into the water from. Mum decided that this is a mermaid seat, so they could keep their tails wet!
Up the hill and back along the top, we came to the top of the road. I offloaded my camera and jogged the last little bit home! Obviously on the understanding that I put the kettle on when I got in!
I have new trainers which I am wearing in, but as you'll see from the pictures here, they are rubbing a bit and Compeed plasters are coming into their own!!
Hope you have all had a glorious Easter whatever you are up to,
Love Iona x
Glad you made it out :) I forced myself out of bed early today and went for a 30 mile bike ride. Feeling tired now, but terrific! x