What lovely weather we are having.......... after a cold and snowy winter, the Spring is definitely here, and we are even having some summery days. Today was one.
It was lovely to see Helena, Graeme and the boys after they have been on holiday for a week, and even Uncle Nat came over to see us all.
Helena and I were getting ready for our jog and Calum (3) wanted to come too. We agreed that I would jog a mile - having not jogged for ages - and his Mum, Helena would jog two as she has been doing more training, and I would pick him up and take him for a jog to the farm while we waited for her.
So off we went, into the sunny evening, jogging and chatting. It was easier that I suspected it would be after my walk last weekend, but I still found it hard to keep up with Helena. I did have to have a few breathers and take a few pictures along the way so that I didn't collapse there and then. Helena jogging on the spot while she waited for me to catch up!
I think she was glad when we turned the last corner which meant that she could do her second mile unhindered by me! I collected Calum, who showed me just how good his trainers are, and we set off jogging to the farm.
I think that Calum is a much more preferable jogging partner, as he kept requesting rests, and even asked if we could have a sit down and a rest at one point - I like his style! We got to the farm, and it was closed, but Calum thought that the Lorry and Van needed pictures......... see here.
We ran on and off back up the hill to the road that Helena would be coming along, and waited on the wall for her, comparing our trainers. His small and well worn..... mine big and new!
Just as we finished the comparison Helena come jogging round the corner..... and we all jogged home for tea! Yum!
Looking forward to my weekend walking this weekend... but will fill you in on that as it happens,
Love Iona x
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