Thursday, 30 December 2010

Day 364 - Miles 354 - 361

I was given 2 sets of walking card set for Christmas from Nat and Chris, so when Trina and I decided to do a big walk today, we picked one out of the box! It was nice to do a walk that we had never done before even though we were a bit disabled by the mist and couldn't see very much!

We took a 7.5 mile walk called Navigating From Stanley Ferry and made it an 8 mile walk because we got a bit lost - good lost - adventuring lost - but lost all the same!

We headed out of Stanley Ferry Marina along the canal for about a mile. It was weird as the canal has a long crack in it running parallel with the edge of the canal for ages and ages. We couldn't see very much due to the mist - but the trees did look spooky across the fields in the mist.

We got off the canal and headed into the village of Atlofts, winding through the streets, down ginnels and along field edges. At one point the lovely path turned into a horrible muddy path, so muddy that by the end of the field our boots were almost twice the size that they were when we had entered the field!

This is where we went wrong - seems that the instructions and the sign post weren't inline with each other so we went with our instincts... which by all accounts weren't right! We walked down the country lane expecting to pick up the directions soon enough but didn't! Ho hum..... Trina and I are not the sorts to get all panicky and distraught because we don't know where we are, so instead we soldiered on!

We came to a fork in the road, which way to go? the one without the big barking dog obviously!
This is where our adventured started. It seems that we had landed ourselves in the middle of the Newland Estate.... Click here for more info and pictures you can see, rather than my misty ones which are here...

We headed back along the river and were soon back on the right track. We did stop and ask a man who was walking his dog if we were where we thought we were and he pointed out that the lakes were were stood by had just been made, hence they were not on our map!

Over the ridge, and along by the river once more we entered the village of Kirkthorpe where we passed the church (definitely back on track according to the directions) and into The Southern Washland Nature Corridor. Under the railway line and back over the canal onto tow path.

We headed up the tow path, feet aching towards to Marina once more. It was amazing to see how many different canal boats there was, Trina like the look of a rather large one so she could store her clutter! I like the names and paintings and seeing where they have all come from. The poor birds seem to be having a rough time on this canal too - teetering on their feet trying not to slide around too much!

Would we go on this walk again.... maybe when we can see a bit more than 50 metres ahead of us! Nice to be somewhere different through, and good to do a long walk. Home now and bathed, ready for work and the remaining miles tomorrow.

Love Iona x

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