Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Day 363 - part 2 - Mile 353

Evening all!

I had intended on going on an afternoon stroll with Calum and Samuel so that Helena and Graeme could sort a few things out at their house - they have been flooded and are currently living out of a hotel room - and could be for 3 months!

However, this didn't really end up happening as Calum has a raging temperature and was really sleepy so he and I spend approximately 4 hours watching DVD's snuggled on the sofa while Helena sorted stuff out and Graeme looked after Samuel.

After we ate dinner and getting the boys ready for bed, they headed back to their hotel room and I went out for a quick stroll around the block for a bit of exercise and to cool off - 4 hours lying next to someone who has a temperature certainly warms you up.

I took a few light pictures here, but frankly with the mist and it being dark there wasn't much to take picture of.

2 days to go and 12 miles and I have to work one of those days..... eeek!

Love Iona x

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