Friday, 31 December 2010

Day 365 - Mile 364

Well, here I am at work... as I had to come in today I decided that I'd fit a lunchtime walk in. We work right next to the motorway so you have to listen to the cars which is probably the worst bit of the walk.

I chose to look the other way as I walked, across the fields. There is regularly a horse or two in the field, but I couldn't get very close as there was way too much mud! Attached to the field is the most bizarre caravan 'holding pen' for want of a better word! Hundreds of caravans all lined up in neat little rows.... bizarre!

I took a picture of the Nepshaw Lane South sign to prove that I got to the other end and meandered my way back towards work spotting a flat cap that had been left of the fence post... someone obviously has a cold head somewhere! Shame it wasn't in better condition... think I may suit a flat cap? maybe not? See pictures here...

Hope you are all enjoying the last day of 2010 and that you are all ready for tonight's festivities!

The last mile will be tonight on the way to the bar that Trina and I are going out to celebrate the New Year! You may have to wait for the blog until Jan the 1st!

May you have a lovely night and see you in 2011!

Love Iona x

Day 365 - Miles 362-363

7.30 am! I haven't seen that time for a while now! My alarm went off and I had to jump out of bed to get 2 miles in before coming to work. It wasn't too cold... well it's all relative I suppose!

I headed down Coal Hill Lane and was surprised at the fact the there was some builder already doing work and office lights going on..... I headed down to the canal thinking that it was probably still a bit too dark to be walking along the canal but by the time that I got there the sun had brightened up the day a little.

The canal is still frozen and the poor birds are still all congregating outside the Barge pub. I counted 14 swans this morning - amazing to see so many in the same place - I am in complete awe of their beauty even though they scare the crap out of me when they come close!

Back along the road and up the other end of Coal Hill Lane to home. 2 down, 2 to go.....

Pictures here...

Love Iona x

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Day 364 - Miles 354 - 361

I was given 2 sets of walking card set for Christmas from Nat and Chris, so when Trina and I decided to do a big walk today, we picked one out of the box! It was nice to do a walk that we had never done before even though we were a bit disabled by the mist and couldn't see very much!

We took a 7.5 mile walk called Navigating From Stanley Ferry and made it an 8 mile walk because we got a bit lost - good lost - adventuring lost - but lost all the same!

We headed out of Stanley Ferry Marina along the canal for about a mile. It was weird as the canal has a long crack in it running parallel with the edge of the canal for ages and ages. We couldn't see very much due to the mist - but the trees did look spooky across the fields in the mist.

We got off the canal and headed into the village of Atlofts, winding through the streets, down ginnels and along field edges. At one point the lovely path turned into a horrible muddy path, so muddy that by the end of the field our boots were almost twice the size that they were when we had entered the field!

This is where we went wrong - seems that the instructions and the sign post weren't inline with each other so we went with our instincts... which by all accounts weren't right! We walked down the country lane expecting to pick up the directions soon enough but didn't! Ho hum..... Trina and I are not the sorts to get all panicky and distraught because we don't know where we are, so instead we soldiered on!

We came to a fork in the road, which way to go? the one without the big barking dog obviously!
This is where our adventured started. It seems that we had landed ourselves in the middle of the Newland Estate.... Click here for more info and pictures you can see, rather than my misty ones which are here...

We headed back along the river and were soon back on the right track. We did stop and ask a man who was walking his dog if we were where we thought we were and he pointed out that the lakes were were stood by had just been made, hence they were not on our map!

Over the ridge, and along by the river once more we entered the village of Kirkthorpe where we passed the church (definitely back on track according to the directions) and into The Southern Washland Nature Corridor. Under the railway line and back over the canal onto tow path.

We headed up the tow path, feet aching towards to Marina once more. It was amazing to see how many different canal boats there was, Trina like the look of a rather large one so she could store her clutter! I like the names and paintings and seeing where they have all come from. The poor birds seem to be having a rough time on this canal too - teetering on their feet trying not to slide around too much!

Would we go on this walk again.... maybe when we can see a bit more than 50 metres ahead of us! Nice to be somewhere different through, and good to do a long walk. Home now and bathed, ready for work and the remaining miles tomorrow.

Love Iona x

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Day 363 - part 2 - Mile 353

Evening all!

I had intended on going on an afternoon stroll with Calum and Samuel so that Helena and Graeme could sort a few things out at their house - they have been flooded and are currently living out of a hotel room - and could be for 3 months!

However, this didn't really end up happening as Calum has a raging temperature and was really sleepy so he and I spend approximately 4 hours watching DVD's snuggled on the sofa while Helena sorted stuff out and Graeme looked after Samuel.

After we ate dinner and getting the boys ready for bed, they headed back to their hotel room and I went out for a quick stroll around the block for a bit of exercise and to cool off - 4 hours lying next to someone who has a temperature certainly warms you up.

I took a few light pictures here, but frankly with the mist and it being dark there wasn't much to take picture of.

2 days to go and 12 miles and I have to work one of those days..... eeek!

Love Iona x

Day 363 - Miles 349-352

This morning I needed to run a few errands and rather than jumping into the car and nipping over to Pusdey, I decided to walk. It's surprising how unappealing everything looked this morning after the lovely white snow everywhere. It was quite hard to take good pictures too as there was a heavy mist over the area.

I headed out along past the park and onto Stanningley Road, underneath the Arches and into Pudsey. I really like Pudsey, it still has the small market town feel about it and it has most of the things that you need..... well it had all that I needed this morning.

First to the green grocers to get some veg for the next few days - I spotted some lovely Clementines in a tray.... I am a sucker for patterns! Then to visit Pudsey Bear who lives in the Town Hall, I really wanted to take a picture for everyone who doesn't believe that sometimes I drive home just to catch a glimpse of the 7 foot Pusdey Bear - however the dirty windows and the light made it hard!
A quick trip to the bank to pay in cheques for the charities I am doing this for (many thanks and to those who have sent money through paypal.... every little helps as they say!) , and then to get a few more bits... bread for lunch and pastry to make mince pies......

See pictures here...

I managed to get home in good time and have decided that if I only want a few things in the future I shall be walking to Pudsey!

Love Iona x

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Day 362 - Miles 347-348

Today we all headed over to Corin, Jen and Harper's new house in Marple for more sorting and a bit of DIY. Obviously someone has to look after Harper all of the time, so I took him out for a walk for a bit so that the others could crack on. It was pretty miserable weather, so I donned my Mac and Harpers pram was kitted out for all weather!

We headed out into the centre of Marple, past the old fashioned cinema and onto the Canal. There is a stretch here which has many, many locks, so we got on at number 13 and exited at number 7. I really like canals and the mechanical-ness of the lock workings. It amazing to think that these locks have been here for years, a small piece of metal is enough to open the workings to fill and empty masses of water to enable the barges to rise and fall up or down the locks.

It was evident that the canal has been very frozen, with ice skating ducks and some frozen locks. We exited the canals after a brief period of very slippy ice under water underfoot and headed back towards the highstreet. Not knowing completely where I was going I just kept going exploring until it seemed like we were heading in the right direction.

Finally we were passing the fire station and back on the highstreet heading towards home for a warm cup of coffee! I was completely drenched, Harper was fast asleep, but we had a good walk and were back in the land of warm and cosy rooms!

See the photos here...

If you are reading this, then please spare a few pounds to donate..... as that is the whole point of this. Dexter's Wish - a charity raising money to help families with children who need support during their difficult illnesses, and MacMillan Cancer Support are both charities that are close to my heart... so please... if you have a few spare pounds send them our way.

I have 3 days and 17 miles to go - we I make it?

Many thanks, Iona x

Monday, 27 December 2010

Day 361 - Miles 345-346

After a quick drive down the motorway, we arrived in Manchester for out 2nd Christmas.

Happy Christmas Everyone.... again!

After another round of present opening we nipped out to Tescos for some supplies. Mum, Dad, Harper and I took a stroll down the slushy pavements and through the park to Tescos. Princes park looked really nice in the snow, lots of people out walking dogs in the snow.

Tescos was such an exciting experience Harper fell fast asleep! Wish I could deal with shopping in such a way! We did however manage to get all we needed and some treats to keep us going for the next couple of days and a Welcome mat for Corin, Jen and Harper's new home! Lovely!

Odd set of photos here...

Love Iona x

Day 361 - Mile 343-344

Snow! this morning just as I was about to go out for a walk it started to snow, not just a bit but a lot! Ho hum..... on with the wellies, anorak, and woolly hat and off I went!

I went out to have a walk while mum and dad packed all their worldly goods, and Christmas presents into their suitcases before we drove to Manchester for lunchtime.

I headed down to Rodley and along the canal. It was very frosty on the canal still especially as the snow was falling again. I'm not sure I could spend Christmas on a canal boat - brrrrrr!

There was a small piece of water not frozen next to the Barge pub where there seemed to be all the birds in the area - there were about 10 swans amongst others. I walked up through the snicket and to the main road where I saw the picture above - 2 intertwined love hearts in the snow!

A quick walk up the hill home for a cup of coffee! mmmmmmmm

Photos here....

Love Iona x

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Day 360 - Miles 340-342


Mum and Dad have never been to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, so to avoid the thought of going sale shopping - my worst nightmare - but in order to get out we headed there for a walk and a look at the art.

I love the sculpture park as it has many of my favourite things.... trees, fields, water, art, coffee, cake and a good gift shop... so the sculpture park is bliss for me! Many of our friends and relatives have spoken to Mum and Dad about the park and all it holds so they have been keen to go for a while, but it's just so hard to fit in all the things they want to do each time they come to the UK.

It was really lovely to be walking in the park in the snow. My photos are different this time as this changes the way you look at the sculptures. David Nash's exhibition is still on, so the large tree sculptures that I had seen only a few months ago took on a whole different dimension today. The park is brilliant, the way that you can interact with the art and see it up close.

Through the park we headed down to the lake, some poor swans and their year old cygnets were trapped in the only bit of water on the lake. They had made some lovely foot prints.... someone had even gone out on the ice and drawn a smiley face - not sure if I would have trusted the ice.

Back up through the pastures, passing Henry Moores and a quick stop in the deer shelter sky space. Not a very impressive sky to look at through the viewing space - a bit cloudy, but nice all the same.

Up to the cafe for coffee and cake, and a surprisingly inexpensive visit to the shop! Well I can always go back.....

See lovely, lovely photos here...

Hope you are all coping over the Christmas period,

Love Iona x

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Day 359 - Miles 336-339


Christmas sees our family having the idyllic tradition of a Christmas walk. We are having Christmas in Leeds this year and so have met up with the Leeds clan to take a Christmas stroll.

Carina, Zipp, Finn, Alice, Keir, Mae, Mum, Dad and I (and Bowie the dog) headed from Carina and Zipp's up into Headingley. We ventured through the street until we came to "Woodhouse Ridge", a lovely walk through the woods, right the way behind Headingley to Woodhouse and then back past Meanwood.

I love walking in big groups - you always seem to talk more than you would in a house and meander between people and flows of conversation. I think that I catch strange combinations as I stop to take photos which means that I end up at the beginning, then in the middle, then a the end of the group.

We walked back past Meanwood and came across a bandstand base - it was amazing to see the drawing of what the path used to look like and that there was a bandstand up there on the ridge. The Victorians had it right I think!

We did intend to go for a quick drink at the pub before heading home to get the dinner ready, however it wasn't open by the time that we had got to it! Oh well, we had a lovely walk in the woods and had some great quality family time together. I really appreciate being part of a large family, especially as we all get on... well most of the time!

Lovely photos here...

For anyone who wants to look at Mum and Dad's round the world blog here....

Love Iona x

Friday, 24 December 2010

Day 358 - Part 2 - Miles 334-5

Dad and I had to nip out to get a few supplies, so I was convinced that we should walk to do some more miles. I decided that we'd do a walk and look out for Christmas lights to show Mum when we got back who was busy making mince pies.

Lost of people go crazy decorating their house but there was some tasteful decorations in for the offering! We headed down Coal Hill Lane, up the high street and through the back roads to home giving us plenty of opportunity to seek out lovely lights. Take a look here...

We arrived home just before we got too cold and warmed up with tea and mince pies - mmmmmm...

Hope you are having as nice a Christmas Eve as us.

Love Iona x

Day 358 - Miles 332-333

Happy Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were let out of work early today so I made the most of the sunshine this afternoon. I popped over to see Nat, Chris and Captain. I was a bit excited and nipped into Helena's to borrow Calum's sledge as I haven't done any sledging so far this year!

Nat, Captain and I headed up to the Billing, for a cold walk around the lake and up the hill. I tried to get Nat to have a go on the sledge but he was having none of it! I however, was very excited and had a couple of goes as soon as we came into the main field. It was great - and very fast... I did try to take a picture but it was very blurry!

Captain played fetch, really enjoying the snow as we walked around and up the hill, making friends with any other dogs that he could!

A final go on the sledge for me across the corn field.... a fast but bumpy ride!

See photos here....

Love Iona x

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Day 353 - Mile 331

So, it's a bit late to be writing this blog as we walked on Sunday - but there you are, life kind of gets in the way sometimes.

We had a family 'do' arranged for Sunday afternoon, all meeting at Kirkstall Abbey for Carols before the eating and drinking would commence. Mum, Dad, Katy and I decided to head out to Kirkstall early for a walk in the snow. It was utterly beautiful... there is enough snow on the ground to get lovely snowy pictures, but not too much to get snowed in or inconvienced too much.

After strolling around the ruins and along the river, we headed to the Carol singing. We had all anticipated that we woulod be singing, as did lots of members of the crowd, but it seemed we were just there to watch the Heritage Singers sing carols.

It was lovely to hear them sing in the old Abbey, such a lovely setting even if we all did end up with freezing feet and the desire to sing - well we did have a bit of a sing - hope they didn't mind!

Pictures uploaded here...

Love Iona x

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Day 352 - Mile 330

So, the folks have landed safe and sound yesterday - thankfully not today due to the snow and all that! It was funny to watch how excited Mum got when she awoke to see the snow outside - a light sprinkling I'd call it after all that we have had, but they don't get much snow in Menorca so it was a real treat for her!

We went out for a quick walk before porridge for breakfast - mmmmmm...

Lots of footprints already even though we were out before 8.30am, cats, dogs, people...... I took a photo of some that look like shooting stars.... well if you have a good imagination they do!

We were walking along and saw a DHL man delivering very large sacks to a house, I think it may have been Santa in disguise!

See our photos here....

Love Iona x

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Day 346 - Miles 325-329

Well what a lovely Sunday I have had! Lazy morning followed by a walk, torchlight parade and carols, followed by a carol service, out for dinner and now home - as I said - Lovely!

I have had quite a busy and stressful few days after I came home from work to find Police in my house and Katy on the phone to the locksmith after we had been burgled! Thankfully we were both out, no one was hurt and the alarm went off so they didn't take much! Saturday was spent sorting more locks and insurance folowed by Calum's pirate birthday party which made that day a bit more enjoyable!

I'm not one to sit around an wallow, well not for long anyway, so today was a day for enjoyment!
Trina and I set out to Haworth after lunch and headed out onto the moors into Bonte country! After a quick trip to the toilets we were off. There was some upmarket graffiti "Live a life of splendor", good advice if you ask me! It really was a good day to be out there, there were heavy clouds and the rain was just at bay! I have never ventured out on the moors here before but will definitely be doing more so in the future. It was still quiet cold up there as you will see from the pictures, puddles and the old quarry lake were frozen. You can see out to the reservoir and across to some of Yorkshire's finest fields from the top, there was a bench in memory of "Jackie" - in a great spot, obviously someone special.

After wandering around (me calling Heathcliffe!, Trina cringing and laughing at me!) we headed back down towards Howarth village for some Christmas treats. The light was going, the Christmas lights were sparkling and there was a buzz in the air as we all waited for the torchlight parade to start.

It was brilliant - definitely something to become a tradition of mine and Trina's. The torches were lit, the carol sheets handed out and the safety warning given - much to the annoyance of the Beagle (old name for policeman apparently). We headed up the hill with torches, topping and singing carols at various points. Lots of people parading and many more watching from shops, pubs and cafes. I love singing!

We finally arrived at the church where the people that were going to church were ushered through the crowd so that we could fine our seats and prepare for the carol service, it was a lovely way to end a great day - more singing, a good sermon, readings and more........ I realise that I have mentioned this before but for someone who is not religious, I seem to have spent alot for time in church recently!

Lots of lovely pictures here...

Hope you have all had a great weekend,

Love Iona x

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Day 342 - Mile 324

So.... I had intended to get up and go swimming at 7am this morning..... hummmm that didn't happen! It is so cold at the moment, even though I had everything ready by the door to make my exit a swift one, that when my alarm went off, I found it hard to get out of my warm snuggley bed and get up!

I did however pack my swim bag into the hire car so that I could go after work. It felt very strange walking across the car park to go swimming in my wellies - not swimming IN my wellies that would be silly! The car parks were frosty and there was lots of snow still on the ground, I was quite thankful when I got into the leisure centre.

It was nice to swim, I love it, I can not think of life without the ability to swim! The only problem was getting out! The pool and the poolside were warm, but the changing rooms seem to have a massive draft running throughout - brrrrrrr!

I did make sure I took the time to dry my hair before heading back out into the cold - even though my hair is getting a bit long for this swimming!

See pictures here...

I am going to try to swim at least 2 times next week to get some miles in, and plan to do some walking at the weekend - hopefully!

Love Iona x

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Day 339 - Part 2 - Mile 323

These are our grumpy car collision faces!

However.... as you know I am one to make the best of a situation, and as Trina was now stuck at my house, I decided to walk her home and she would drop me back. Well I need some extra miles and I wanted to take pictures of the Christmas lights again this year.

As we teetered and tottered down Coal Hill Lane, the walking was much better when we were on the flat! Both of us had intended to go to the Farsley Lights switch on but Wednesday was blizzard day so we opted to stay in the warm!

I am sure, and so is Trina that lots of the lights are different this year.... whether they buy new ones, or swap with local towns I am not sure! I have to say that I much prefer them this year, especially the Angel outside the church - just beautiful!

To see this years lights click here....

To compare to last years click here...

Love Iona x

Day 339 - Miles 321-322

Sundays don't start better than a nice large coffee and some toast and strawberry jam! Yum!

Trina, Nat and I had planned on going to the Yorkshire Sculpture park today but they both texted to say they thought they'd have too much work to come out for a walk. I decided to just head out to Otley Chevin on my own, but Trina decided that she's probably get cabin fever if she was in all day so came with me.

We went for a lovely, somewhat de'ja'vu walk, as we had walked year in the snow early last year. Trying to get some lovely pictures as I love the Chevin and the trees and views that you can get from there.

We were greeted with a strangers dog coming bounding towards us - I got an amazing shot just before he darted off to his owners! Lots of people out walking dogs, sledging and enjoying the lovely snow before it gets too icey and cold. The sun was really shining!

See the pictures here...

We headed to The Cheerful Chilli for cuppas and cake before heading home......or so we thought... what started off a a quick walked turned into a long day out!

Someone had slid and crashed into my car! Thankfully they had left their insurance details, so after an hour of phone calls, we were rescued by the AA. They got my car road worthy enough to get it home ready for collection by the garage tomorrow - gaffer tape it seems is the best thing ever! Thank goodness for the AA and their very helpful staff - if you are not a member I definitely recommend it.

See pictures here..., hope you had a better day!

Love Iona x

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Day 338 - Mile 320

Christmas party number 1 - wonder how many I'll get through this year! My closest university friends always meet up before Christmas for dinner and to exchange gifts! What started as a 1230 lunch ended up finishing at 4pm! Oh well good job the restaurant wasn't too busy!

Nicola, Pearse, Joshua (1), Dominic (1), Helena, Graeme, Calum (nearly 4), Samuel (1), Fiona, Paul, Simeon (1), Sue, Nat, Chris and I all sat down for a lovely leisurely lunch.

Some of us headed for a quick walk while we sill had light, trying to burn off a little of the giant meal that we had all eaten! Phew!!

We headed down to the canal in Appperley Bridge for a quick stroll to see the canal boats and back to the pub! It was slippy and chilly, but we were all wrapped up well, so it wasn't too bad! Lovely frozen Canal again today!

See the pictures here...

The roads are getting less snowy and more frosty so I am planning a nice quiet night in!

Love Iona x

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Day 336 - Miles 318-319

After being sent home from work yesterday due to the snow, and a 2 hour drive home I couldn't bring myself to go out again for a walk, so I hid inside and slept!

This morning after a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, the decision was that I would stay at home until lunchtime and await the call to go in if necessary. So I decided that good walk in the snow was in order. After all you have to get some pleasure from this weather, not just annoyance from people driving too close to you!

It was really lovely going out, the snow was still crisp underfoot and glistening in the sunshine. I headed down the road, past the park and onto the canal. The only point in the whole walk that I nearly slipped over was crossing the bridge onto the canal. It was such a lovely sight seeing 2 canal boats with their chimneys going, keeping warm in this wintering weather.

The poor birds only had a small bit of water to swim on but they seemed to be making the most of it! The swans were breaking the ice and pushing their way through!

On the way up the hill home, it was clear who has decided not to go into work by the layers on snow on their cars, and the people who have been out for a bit by the thick brown sludge on theirs! When the snow goes I think there will be a lot of car cleaning going on!

Snowy pictures here...

Hope you are all warm and happy,

Love Iona x