A whole week since my last entry after what can only be described as a crazy busy week! Work all week, and Friday was the wedding of my lovely friends Kelly and Pete, Saturday working then catching up with friends who had came up for the wedding, and Sunday we went walking!
Joachim had demanded that if he was coming all the way from Cambridge to Yorkshire that he "wanted to see hills, and lots of them, as Cambridge is so flat". So I decided that a walk around Malham would satisfy his needs. Both Jo and his girlfriend Alex stayed at my house on Saturday night, and we headed out early on Sunday to the hills.
Picnic bought and packed into rucksacks, we parked up in Malham to a very strange sight.... Elephants. It seems that there was a Bank Holiday Safari on where they place random animals around the village and kids have to spot them.... all made for a slightly different first impression for Alex and Jo.
We took the stepping stones over the river, along the river's edge and up into the wood that leads to Janet's Foss. Then from their up to Gordale Scar and climbing up the waterfall. I hadn't done this since Uni, and there was a hell of a lot less water this weekend than I had remembered. It was a good job though as we clambered up the rocks feeling a great sense of achievement when we got to the top.
At the top we headed out over the fields to the Tarn where we had a lovely, if very windy, picnic. The water in the Tarn was very choppy, not quite a day for jumping in! Then back down through the valley, over the Limestone pavement, stopping to take in the view and the enormity of it all, before taking the hundreds of steps back down to Malham cove. The bottom of the cove was a lot less dramatic then I have ever seen it due to the good weather we have been having, but you could still see he water appearing from under the rocks.
As the clouds loomed over head we headed back along the valley and into the village seeing more animals, before jumping into the car and taking Jo and Alex to the train station.
An amazing day was had by me, and Jo and Alex seemed to have enjoyed the variety of the day, even if we did nearly get blown away several times. Jo's need for hills was satisfied for a little while at least!
Brilliant pictures here....
Love Iona x
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