Trina and I had our jogging date early this week because we ended up having fish and chips after getting very cold doing a car boot yesterday. Obviously fish and chips were just what our cold bodies needed.
My car is having it's MOT so after Trina picked me up we went straight out to the canal.
Damn it is cold..... we seem to be having cold weather again.... and there I was thinking it was nearly summer dress weather! So after putting on as many layers as I could, we jogged. Actually as soon as we started we both got warm quite quickly and jogged, yet again, for further than we did last week. Although my legs ache a bit, they don't ache and much, and I don't have blisters from my trainers - hurrah!
We did a couple of short sprint sessions on the way back to spice things up a bit - made us laugh if nothing else!
Unfortunately, I didn't charge the camera before we went out so there are a few photos here.
Love Iona
Unfortunately, I didn't charge the camera before we went out so there are a few photos here.
Love Iona
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