Up in Shetland now visiting my Cousin David and his family, and it is Up Helly Aa, see http://www.uphellyaa.org/. It is a tradition that orginated in the 1800's, and now it is an annual occurance. Lots of marching, a viking ship and tonight there will be fire and the burning of the viking ship.
We march along the mile, following the procession of Vikings, the ship and the band. See the pictures here Day 26.
We are off out now to the evening fire procession, so it's hats, gloves and raincoats at the ready. It's wet, but nothing stops the show here!
Get in touch on 365milesin365days@googlemail.com,
see you soon Iona x
We march along the mile, following the procession of Vikings, the ship and the band. See the pictures here Day 26.
We are off out now to the evening fire procession, so it's hats, gloves and raincoats at the ready. It's wet, but nothing stops the show here!
Get in touch on 365milesin365days@googlemail.com,
see you soon Iona x
The Up Helly Aa procession doesn't get cancelled for anything...but luckily the rain held off and it was a fanastic night. 1,000 blazing torches lighting up the Lerwick sky. Awesome!