Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Day 286 - Miles 272-273

Exhausted is how I would describe myself....... after being ill last week I seem to have not got completely awake since! Everything is just that bit harder than it should be! Hence I haven't been out in a couple of days.... more warm snuggley bed time has been in order.

Tonight though, the sun was shining and I needed to nip out to M & S, so instead of driving out I decided to come home, drop off the car and walk there and back. I would describe the night as 9pm on a summer's day not 6pm on an October evening. It was warm, sunny and lovely!

It's not a terribly exciting route to M & S but I really like railway arches and walking under them when I train is going overheard is an experience! I did managed to get a few pictures of odd or lovely things, like beautiful barbed wire, to sheep! See here...

Walk done - check, shopping done - check, dinner eaten - check, blog written.... nearly!

Love Iona x

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