Crikey, where did the last 300 days go! I can't believe that there is only 65 days til a new year will be upon us, there's a thought eh!
Dashing out of work to try to get back to my 'holiday home' in Rawdon before the sun had completely gone down, I got home just in time. Quick change, let the cat in, feed the cat, let the cat back out and dash out the door.
I was on a bit of a mission, not just to jog/walk a couple of miles, I also needed to get some milk for my cuppa tea! How very important in my life! Jogging down the hill along to Quaker Lane, past the green and down Quaker Lane. It's quite a steep down hill and as I knew that jogging carrying milk was going to cause me some problem I decided to run as fast as I could to the bottom of the hill. It was great, running like a little kid, but I did have to stop myself feeling like I was going to end up flat on my face!!
Passing one of my favourite gift shops, I could help but stop to admire their Christmas display.... yes you read right, they have their Christmas display in the window already! Although I love Christmas and have started my Christmas shopping, I still can't bring myself to be happy that the shops have decided it's Christmas already - not even if the display is delightful!
Popping into the shop to get the milk,I popped it into the pouch of my new hoodie. I felt a bit like a kangaroo carrying all the bits in my pouch, I don't know how they do it.
The sight of my home for the week with the welcoming outdoor light I was pleased to be home and ready for the warm!
Love Iona x