Sunday, 26 September 2010

Day 268 - Miles 252-4

What a lovely place Saltaire is! I never fail to enjoy myself there and it is a great please to have a walk. Juli and Nick were staying for the weekend and wanted to go back to the mill to buy some wobbly table wedges, and get out into the air!

We headed out across the canal and river, through the park and over to the Glen Tramway.... still not work, but apparently will be by Christmas! I have been trying to take my favourite 3 yr old for over a year now, and it has never been open :). The Fat Controller must still have his men fixing it!

We walked up the hill, along side the route of the tramway, being passed by very cheerful and enthusiastic mountain bikers. Up over the top, and back though the wood. It is a really good wood to walk though as there are loads to look at. From the large rocky outcrops, to the pond, and the old road. There is a great gate at the top of the hill which makes me want to know more..... shall have to do some investigations.

Down through the housing estate and back across the river. Juli and Nick think I should buy one of these houses as it is right by the river.... hummmm maybe?!?!? We entered the canal at the point of the locks, lost of peering and photo opportunities!

We walked back along the canal, on what turned out to be a nice sunny autumn afternoon, to the village, for ice creams and cream teas! Hurrah!

A good old shop in Salts Mill, and an Indian for dinner - what a lovely day!

Great picture here....

Love Iona x

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