Sunday, 29 August 2010

Day 240 - Mile 235

So a squirrel landed on my head......... get your laughing over with now!

You wouldn't think that a leisurely walk with your brother and nephew to the local supermarket could be very eventful. We decided to brave the wind and walk to the shops rather than go in the car as miles were in order and Corin is starting a bit of a fitness kick.... well every little helps. Jen was in need of some well deserved sleep so Corin and I took Harper out in his buggy.

We walked through the park, taking pictures of the trees, and the funfair (it seems a signwriter has had a bit of a joke on Hancock's funfair, as when the doors at the front are open it just says "It's Cocks!" - well.... ).

We walked into Tesco's and as I was checking out some clothes Corin noticed someone's bag with "Corin" printed on it! If you have an unusual name you get quiet excited about seeing your name printed on anything - so I asked the man wearing the rucksack if I could take a picture!

More shopping was done, and we loaded up the buggy with shopping for the walk home. Back through the park and about 5 min after I had taken over pushing the buggy from Corin I was attacked! I kid you not! Part of a branch hit me full in the face with a squirrel attached to it. I screamed with shock and pain, as I tried to tell Corin to look for my glasses which had been knocked from my face! My only visible scar from this disaster is a slight scratch on my shoulder! All very funny now, and unbelievable, but ti happened and my nose still hurts and my headaches! Sympathy please!

Home for tea and a visit from Corin's friend Rob. Very lovely to see everyone, despite the tragic events of my day!

Pictures here...
Love Iona x

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