It's Monday and Deb and Todd have gone to work, so I decided to do some swimming before I come home and bake for their tea.
Deb collected me about 11 and dropped me at the pool, so that I could swim and then walk home. It's weird swimming at at new pool, I always feel like something will catch me out, I'll do something wrong, or end up in the men's room. This fear has somewhat lessened as I have got older, but this is due to the prescription goggles I now own rather than my sense of direction!
After the receptionist gave me clear instructions to the changing rooms, I found myself in a small changing room, no lockers, a couple of showers and a couple of toilets. Very perplexed I asked a lady next to be if there were any lockers (why is it ok to talk to someone you don't know when they are just in a towel if you are at the pool). Thankfully she didn't find it odd and told me where they were and that no one uses them and just puts their stuff on the side of the pool.
As I walked out onto the pool side - goggles on - it all became clear. The lockers looked like you needed an engineering degree to use them so I went with the crowds and left my stuff on the bench with everyone else's. I say crowds but there was no more than 30 people in the whole pool (YES!!!).
As I started my first length I became aware of the Elderly group doing Aqua-Aerobics, a few people swimming lengths and 2 divers in the deep end. I couldn't stop smiling and I swam my mile - a lane all to myself I concentrated on stroke practice and breathing, counting as I went.
With my earplugs in and goggles on the elderly group seemed to be a mute version of a dance, all I could see are legs underwater. The swimmers were a mixed bunch, 2 leisurely swimmers and one serious one and the divers, well they just seemed so peaceful and happy under the water, if a bit out of place!
I sneaked a few photo's before heading back to Deb's. The walk home was nice, following my instructions from Deb, looking out for nice photos for you. Lots of roses here, and the birds seem more confident with people. It was a quiet walk home, with only me and the elderly out today.
Lovely! Check out the pictures
here.Love Iona x