Sunday, 28 February 2010

Day 59 - Mile 38

"Morning! Lovely day for a swim" was the first text message of the day. I, along with some other friends had decided to get a plunge in the water on the last day of February. Ric's message made me really excited, as their had been fears of severe weather warnings and even more snow!

I set off early - because I hate being late - and so I could take the drive at my own pace and take pictures as I went. I drove out towards Pately Bridge, and was greeted with the great sight of Windmills and Large Golf Balls (Menwith Hill RAF base), an extraordinarily weird sight, but it never fails to make me smile.

At 10am this morning the only other people out and about were farmers, walkers and cyclists! All out enjoying the best the dales have to offer - even if there is still snow on the ground.

Christine, Ric, Lisa, Matthew and I set off down to the river from the Craven Arms, past the campsite and along the river, to make sure my walking was a mile for today and to check that the river didn't look to unhospitable.

Setting up camp, Ric was the first to dive in. Well he is the Outdoor Swimming Society's new Press Officer, so it's his duty obviously! Shortly followed by myself (with new waterproof digital camera in hand) and Christine after we had all sqeezed into out wetsuits.

It was a brisk 20 mins or so that we spent in the river, we did have to properly swim to keep warm, but it was great!

Just as we were getting out Cassie and Andy arrived. Andy didn't have a wetsuit so just jumped in, took a few stokes and jumped straight back out again. Brave man, I don't think I would have gone in with out my wetsuit. I'm mad, not stupid!

After a quick walk back up to the pub, we all warmed by the fire and have some lunch.

It was great to see Lisa, Ric and Matthew, and to meet Christine, Cassie and Andy, hopefully we'll be doing some more swims in the year, and hopefully some that can count as miles.

I drove back through Bolton Abbey, and stopped to see friends for a cuppa on the way home. All nice and toastie now after a bath and clean dry clothes on! What a lovely sunday!
See photo's here Day 59.

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Day 57 - Mile 37

Friday night swim's are great! I'm not sure whether it's because it's the end of the week, the fact you always get stuck in traffic on the way, or just that the lengths are 50m on a Friday, but diving in and swimming always feels so right on a Friday!

Mandi, Ellie, Louis and Mandi's mum all arrived at the pool just before 6, so we hit the pool straight away. While Louis trained for her Diving competition this weekend, we dived in to do our mile.

It was my turn to count the lengths, which isn't such a hard task when you only have to do 32! It felt much easier as Mandi and I had swam on Wednesday, and we soon got to the end of the mile, even Ellie swam half a mile. We are trying to persuade her to swim a whole mile with us, but she'll show us up when she does as at 13, she is better than us already!

Then it was shower and change, before picking up my friend Trina and heading over to Rawtenstall to watch Kristianne sing at Cafe Artisan. Even though she has a cold, Kristianne never fails to pleased the crowd with her wit and familiar nature - you really do feel like she is actually chatting to you in her lounge. With the talented Chris playing guitar as he accompaniment, it is always worth the drive! I really must take my Canon to one of her gigs to get some great pictures.

But for now see Day 57 for todays pictures.

Love Iona x

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Day 56 - Mile 36

Helena and I planned to go on our run this week, and I was pleased to be able to give my new camera a trip out. We didn't realise just how much it was raining when we set out, so I was glad that we had put our hoodies on!

It was dark by the time we had got changed, settled the boys with Daddy for cuddles, and set off. Today's mission was to jog two lamp posts and then walk one. I did feel like I was pushing myself, but it still didn't seem as bad as it had the first time we ran, only just over a week ago!

Helena jogged on at one point, but I carried on walking and jogging. I did make sure that I was jogging when 2 other jogger came past though - you have to show willing! It was cold and wet, as proof I took a picture in the rain with the waterproof camera.

Back home for yummy pasta and chicken made by Helena's husband Graeme, and some play time with the boys.

For today's pictures see Day 56.

Love Iona x

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Day 55 Part Two - Mile 35

When I double booked to go swimming and have dinner, I pondered which one to do....... but why should I give up either - so I spoke to my lovely friends and asked if dinner could be a bit later, and managed to squeeze in both! Hurrah!

Mandi and I haven't swam for a few weeks. It's much lighter in the evening, it must be getting towards spring now - even though there is still snow on the ground!

We met up and took some more photos with my new camera. The pictures are turning out ok as long as the light quality is good, can't wait to try it in the river!

So we swam our mile, with the divers in their pool, aqua aerobics (to ABBA!) to one side and the elite young swimmers to the other. I couldn't help feel how weird it was, so many diverse activities happening in one space, but no one getting in each others way, like in other pools. This is the joy of swimming at the John Charles Aquatics Centre. It is designed well and it works!

After a shower and very quick change, I was dashing across town for dinner with the boys. Nat and Chris had come up trumps again, and made delicious roast beef and veggies, yummy!

Home now and have sorted the photos - see Day 55.

Love Iona x

Day 55 - Mile 34

This lunchtime saw me round up a few troops for a quick walk down the lane at work and back to try out my new camera that arrived in the post.

Did I mention that I was buying a new waterproof camera? It's a Fujifilm Z33 Black Slim 20mm Waterproof Digital Camera - and is waterproof up to 3m. I wanted one that looked like a normal point-and-shoot camera so that I can use it for jogs and places that I wouldn't want to take my Canon.

Joan, Kate, Bec and I headed down the track to satisfy my need to try it out, and to get a mile in. It's not the most exciting of walks as we work on an industrial estate near the motorway, but there was still snow on the ground, so the fields looks pretty, even if the road was slushy!

Joan and Kate often walk on a lunchtime and marched off, while Bec and I were striding to keep up and talking photography v's paintings, subjectivity and objectivity! I managed to get a few good shots, even if Joan thinks I am crackers for taking photo's of rust because I think it looks nice!

I'll post the photos later when I get home and see what quality the photos are like, but so far, what I have seen looks good, the camera is easy to use and amazingly small.

Off to the pool with Mandi later, so another mile before the day is over,

Love Iona x

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Day 51 - Mile 33

As the sun was setting after a brilliantly sunny February day, Trina and I set off for the second run of my life! We decided to stick to run one lamp post, walk one lamp post, as we are both still not used to all this exercise. This gave us a chance to catch up on the gossip when we were doing the walking bits too.

I'm still not a runner - by no means - but it was easier than last time and I don't feel quite so knackered as I did on Tuesday. I am even looking forward to running again next week which can't be a bad thing!

We have now both showered and Trina is back here ready for an evening of dinner, wine, and DVD's - and quite possible more gossip.

Hope you have all had as good a day as me!

Love Iona x
Day 51

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Day 47 - Mile 32

Shrove Tuesday was a great day to start jogging training - at least I had the promise of pancakes to get home for!

Helena and I are going to run the Race for Life in May so jogging training had to start soon. If you know me, you'll know that I am not built for running - I could swim forever, but jogging is a whole other story!

We started out jogging one lamp post, walking on lamp post, until half way round and Helena sped off into the distance. I know what it is like trying to slow your speed down for someone when you just want to crack on! We were just running round the block near her house in Rawdon, so it was fairly safe.

What can I say - I nearly died, but I made it, and have already planned to jog again at the weekend and with Helena again next week. I may even progress to running two lamp posts, walking one lamp post, so it can't have been that bad. I would love to be able to go out for a jog in the morning or evening when the weather gets better, and apparently it is addictive, so........... I'll let you know!

Home for tea and pancakes - yummy!

Hope you all had lots of pancakes and a great evening,

Love Iona x

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Day 45 - Miles 30-31

Happy Valentine's Day!

After a long, productive day of painting yesterday, Corin, Jen and I headed out to Lyme Park in Cheshire. After a short drive around the M60, we entered the park famous for it's deers and Mr Darcy's lake appearance!

It was a beautiful sunny day as we set out exploring the parkland and the bits of house we could get into. The gardens and house are not open until later in the year.

As Corin and I, both take after our Grandfather and Dad, we both were taking lots of picture, making use of the clear day, and the light and shadows that it creates. Lyme park really appealed to me as I love trees and taking pictures of them - as you may have noticed by now.

We headed up the "The Cage" which is a large folly on the hill, which was apparently used for parties. On the way up we were amazed to see, not only the largest dog ever (polar bear like), but also the smallest tiny puppy. See photo link below!

From the cage you could see for miles around. It is such a great vantage point, you can understand why it was built there. We tried to head from their to the lake where Mr Darcy swam to meet his love, however we couldn't get to that part of the garden. Jen and I were concerned by getting down and up a slippery bank, however Corin cracked one of his crazy jokes, and after 10 mins of laughing til we cried, we managed to make it up the hill. Corin and Jen really are the most suited couple - after all, who else would be so enthusiastic about each others strange sense of humour! Thank god they have each other!

After a visit to the cafe for hot chocolate, coffee and cake, we headed home after a lovely day.

Click on Day 45 to see the photos from the day.

Hope you all have as nice a Valentine's day as we did,

Much love Iona xxx
p.s. the only deer we saw were Venison sausages in the cafe! x

Friday, 12 February 2010

Day 43 - Mile 29

No sooner had I arrived, after my journey over the Pennines, I was whisked out the door before we got settled. So it was "hello" and "goodbye" to Jen, as Corin and I headed off for the pool.

I was hoping that the walk to and from the pool may count towards my miles, however it really isn't that far, and cheating is not allowed!

We arrived at the pool with just enough time to swim a mile before it shut. Corin got in before me, as I was checking how long the pool was to determine how many lengths we would need to do. Corin decided that this was avoidance tactics, however I wasn't convinced it was a 25m pool and wanted to be sure!

Corin is a faster swimmer than me. It's just a fact of life. With his flipper feet and paddle hands he makes front crawl look so easy.... however he is rubbish at breaststroke so we actually swim about the same speed.

We got out just before closing, with only the "dry hair" swimmers still in the pool, and by the time we had showered the life guards were tucking in the pool for the night. I managed to get some great shots, see Day 43.

After a quick walk home, admiring someone's Christmas lights (late, or early?), we were rewarded by Corin and Jen's home made curry - Yum!

Love Iona x

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Day 41 - still 28 miles

So...... I was going to start jogging this week, but feel shoddy (coughing like I have smoked for years!), so decided that it was probably best to get better before doing more miles.

I am intending to do more this weekend when I visit my brother Corin and his beautiful wife Jenny. Corin and I are preped to swim a mile on friday after work and we are hoping to do a walk on sunday - if we get all the painting done!

Hope you are all having a great week,

Love to all Iona x